Your path to timeless beauty.

At Lorena Luca Med + Spa, we help you achieve your desired look while maintaining natural beauty. Our skilled team is proud to offer the Juvederm collection in Raleigh, a renowned solution to address various age-related concerns. Whether you want to soften facial lines and wrinkles, enhance your lips, or rejuvenate your overall appearance, our expert team will tailor a treatment plan to help you unlock the timeless beauty you desire.

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What is the Allergan Collection?

The Allergan Collection comprises a selection of innovative dermal fillers developed by Allergan Aesthetics to combat the signs of aging and enhance facial features. These fillers are primarily part of the Juvederm family of products and are renowned for their effectiveness in addressing various cosmetic concerns. The main component of these fillers is hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally occurring in the body that plays a crucial role in preserving skin hydration and volume. By carefully injecting these fillers into specific areas of the face, we can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, deep folds, and age-related volume loss without invasive surgery.

Dermal Fillers Before & After

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The benefits of the Allergan Collection's Juvederm fillers

Receiving Juvederm fillers in Raleigh can provide many benefits to help you achieve a more youthful and revitalized look.

These remarkable injectable treatments are designed to:

  • Smooth away fine lines and wrinkles, restoring a more youthful complexion.
  • Enhance facial contours and volume for a balanced and harmonious appearance.
  • Diminish the visibility of nasolabial folds and marionette lines, helping to soften these common signs of aging.
  • Augment the lips for fuller, more luscious results.
  • Achieve a natural, refreshed appearance without the need for invasive surgery.
  • Experience minimal downtime and quick, convenient treatments.

Juvederm fillers are ideal for individuals looking to address various signs of aging and enhance their natural beauty without the need for invasive surgery.

If you wish to reduce the appearance of facial fine lines and wrinkles, restore lost volume in areas like the cheeks and lips, achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance, or enhance facial contours to achieve a balanced, harmonious look, then this could be the proper treatment for you.

Suppose you desire smoother, rejuvenated skin, plumper lips, or a youthful facial profile. In that case, we can assess your concerns and recommend the most suitable Juvederm filler to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. The Allergan Collection offers versatility and natural-looking results no matter what age you are or where you are in life. The best way to determine if this treatment best suits your needs is to come by for a consultation with us at Lorena Luca Med + Spa, where we can assess your unique needs and devise a strategy to unlock timeless beauty.

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The Juvederm filler procedure – What to expect

Before the procedure, we will cleanse the treatment area to ensure it's free of any makeup, dirt, or oil. You may also receive a topical numbing cream to minimize discomfort during the injection process. Juvederm filler, incorporating hyaluronic acid (HA), a natural compound present in the skin, is skillfully injected using a fine needle or cannula.

HA attracts and binds water molecules, instantly delivering volume and hydration to the treated regions. Depending on the areas treated, most Juvederm sessions are relatively quick, typically lasting 15 to 30 minutes. After the injection, your practitioner may gently massage and mold the filler to ensure an even distribution and a natural appearance.

We will assess the results throughout the procedure and make any necessary adjustments to achieve your desired look. While you may feel a slight pinching sensation during the injection, many Juvederm products contain lidocaine, a local anesthetic, which helps minimize discomfort. The procedure is generally well-tolerated, and any pain is temporary.

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Juvederm filler recovery

After your Juvederm filler treatment, you'll be delighted to see immediate results, including enhanced volume and a noticeable reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. One of the remarkable advantages of Juvederm fillers is the absence of downtime, allowing you to return to your daily activities immediately. You can continue your usual routine without needing an extended recovery period. Show More

However, taking a few precautions during the hours following the procedure is advisable. While you can resume your regular activities, it's best to avoid intense physical exercise, excessive sun exposure, and alcohol consumption for the remainder of the day. These precautions will help optimize your results and minimize any potential side effects. The longevity of your Juvederm results depends on various factors, including the specific Juvederm product used and individual variations.

Generally, results can last from several months to up to two years, ensuring a long-lasting improvement in your appearance. Periodic touch-up treatments are typically recommended to keep your skin youthful and refreshed. At Lorena Luca Med + Spa, our team is committed to your well-being and satisfaction. We will provide you with comprehensive post-procedure guidance for your Juvederm filler recovery, addressing any inquiries or concerns you may have.

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Why choose Lorena Luca Med + Spa?

Choose Lorena Luca Med + Spa as your trusted destination for Juvederm fillers, and embark on a journey to rediscover your youthful and vibrant self. Our team is committed to providing you with personalized care throughout your Juvederm experience, ensuring you achieve your ideal look. With the power of Allergan's Juvederm fillers, we offer you a path to timeless beauty, enhancing your natural features and reducing the signs of aging, no matter what stage of life you're in. If you're ready to embrace a new level of confidence and radiance, schedule your consultation with Lorena Luca Med + Spa now.

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